Category Archives: Telescope

Types Of Telescopes For Astronomy


The job of a telescope is to collect light, not to magnify an image (the eyepiece does that job). The larger the objective (the part that collects the light) whether it be a lens, in refractors, or a mirror, in reflectors, the more light the telescope will collect. The more light you can collect, the […]

Telescopes And Kaleidescope Experiments


Reflection and refraction of light is a very important phenomenon when it comes to your kids’ home school science curriculum. What we see around us is nothing but a pattern of light rays that come together to form an image at the back of our eye. Today I am going to teach you how to […]

Learn 3 Things Before You Buy A Telescope


If you are looking for telescopes, you may have some difficulty finding a store in your area that sells good ones. Sure you can go to places like Target or Kmart and probably find one in a box that you can use but they are not of high quality and can be somewhat disappointing for […]

Photographing The Universe Through A Telescope


Most people love to gaze up at the night sky and enjoy the beautiful light show that nature provides, the stars, galaxies and constellations seem so close. It is fun to imagine what earth was like millions of years ago when light from distant stars left on its journey through the universe, never stopping or […]

Factors to Consider When Buying A Telescope

Refracting And Reflecting Telescope Diagram

When you first become interested in buying a telescope, it can be somewhat of a daunting task. What kind of telescope do you really need? There are so many different kinds to choose from and a very large price range too. What do you want your new telescope to do, and do you really need […]

The Ultimate Telescope Equipment Checklist For Astronomy


This is used as the ultimate checklist for anyone who intends to head out for a night under the stars. The article is structured into 4 Sections. The Basics, Optional Accessories, Telescope dependent Accessories & Astrophotography Accessories. All of which is available at most specialist stores. The Basics Telescope of any kind. If you have […]

What Are Telescopes?


Telescopes act as windows to the universe. It is with the help of telescopes that we can study the solar system and view the conjunctions of stars. Not just that, the various planets, galaxies, satellites and asteroids that we get to see only in the books and magazines are made more familiar to us via […]

Useful Accessories For An Amateur Astronomer


You’ve got a telescope and a choice of eyepieces, so what extras can make your watching hours more pleasant as well as effective? Listed here is a number of several very helpful add-ons in order to take your star gazing to the next step. You’ve devoted around 30 minutes getting your eyesight modified to the […]

How Do Telescopes Work?

Refracting And Reflecting Telescope Diagram

Lenses and mirrors are the elements used to collect and view focused light in telescopes. Mirrors are the medium for focusing in reflector telescopes, while lenses are the medium in refractors. Each type has its own distinct advantages and disadvantages. Refractor type telescopes use lenses. These lenses bend the light when it enters the telescope […]

Ocular Lenses


An ocular lens – ocular, as we all know, refers to the eye – is a lens that has many uses in a range of optical instruments and devices, like microscopes and telescopes. It is also called an eyepiece because that is the lens closest to the human eye when a person looks through a […]