Tag Archives: Planet

Photographing The Universe Through A Telescope


Most people love to gaze up at the night sky and enjoy the beautiful light show that nature provides, the stars, galaxies and constellations seem so close. It is fun to imagine what earth was like millions of years ago when light from distant stars left on its journey through the universe, never stopping or […]

The Ultimate Telescope Equipment Checklist For Astronomy


This is used as the ultimate checklist for anyone who intends to head out for a night under the stars. The article is structured into 4 Sections. The Basics, Optional Accessories, Telescope dependent Accessories & Astrophotography Accessories. All of which is available at most specialist stores. The Basics Telescope of any kind. If you have […]

How Do Telescopes Work?

Refracting And Reflecting Telescope Diagram

Lenses and mirrors are the elements used to collect and view focused light in telescopes. Mirrors are the medium for focusing in reflector telescopes, while lenses are the medium in refractors. Each type has its own distinct advantages and disadvantages. Refractor type telescopes use lenses. These lenses bend the light when it enters the telescope […]

Planet Observing


Observing the planets of our solar system with a telescope is an enjoyable part of amateur astronomy. And unlike other forms of observing, such as deep-sky, it can be done from the center of a city as well as out in the country. No travel required. If it is clear, we can quickly set up […]